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Chiltern Distance Riders

Ride Rules

CDR Grievance / Complaints Procedure

Any grievance or complaint against the club must be received in writing by the committee within one week of the incident, or ride, for general inquiries and within one week of the ride results being published on the website for results queries.


Riders and helpers MUST report all accidents, even if uninjured, to the Ride Organiser. The Accident Book located in the Ride Kit should be completed by the Ride Organiser.


Riders must wear:

  • A hard hat with the chinstrap securely fastened and must conform to current BHS event hat standards

  • Footwear with at least ½ an inch of heel unless a stirrup cage is used to prevent the foot from being able to slip through the stirrup. Wellington boots are not permitted in any circumstances.

  • The number bib that you are issued with.

Riders should wear:

  • Jodhpurs, riding breeches or riding tights, with chaps. Suitable foul weather clothing is permitted. Hi-Viz clothing is encouraged.

Artificial Aids:

  • Whips of a maximum length not exceeding 75cm (29.5") are permitted.

  • Spurs are NOT permitted.

Riders must:

  • Be polite at all times.

  • Give consideration to other riders and the general public.

  • Comply with instructions given by the Ride Organiser or other Ride Officials.

  • Be in control of their horse.


The minimum speed for CDR rides is 6.4kmph or 4mph. (This may be reduced at the discretion of the RO is ride conditions dictate).


Riders wishing to overtake shall first obtain permission from the rider in front and then overtake with due care and attention. Any rider who is about to be overtaken should quickly clear the way. Willful obstruction of an overtaking rider or inconsiderate and/or dangerous overtaking may be penalised by elimination.

Footpaths, bridleways and byways are all public highways where it is likely that participants will meet other users. Whether on a public highway or not, participants should meet other users in a safe manner, for example, making them aware of their presence and slowing to a walking pace while passing if unable to give them a wide berth. While using any public highway, participants should comply with the Highway Code at all times.


Unless otherwise indicated, gates should be left as found; leaving a gate other than as originally found may incur penalty.

Para Riders

Para riders should inform the CDR Committee when they join if they have any specific requirements which will impact on their ability to take part in CDR activities safely. The Committee will look at each case individually.

Horse and Tack

Horses shall be ridden in a recognised form of bridle with or without a bit. Riding in a head collar, blinkers, draw-reins, Market Harborough or similar schooling aid is not permitted. Any suitable saddle may be used. Numnahs, saddle blankets and girth guards are permitted. It is the riders responsibility to make sure:

  • Their horse is under control at all times

  • Their tack is safe and fits correctly

Tail Ribbons

Tail ribbons should be used as follows:

·         Red if a horse is nervous or bad tempered when other horses come too close to their hindquarters.

·         Green if the horse is young and/or a novice.

·         Blue is mandatory for a stallion.

Ride Entry Fees

CDR operates a strict no refund policy. (The only exception is if the ride is cancelled by the ride organiser)


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