Who are Chiltern Distance Riders
CDR is a small, friendly group of endurance and pleasure riders
Do I need an arab or a special breed of horse?
Absolutely not! It's all about fun for you and your horse and working together to cover the distance safely!
Yes, a number of our members do ride arabs, but any horse (and rider) that's reasonably fit is quite capable of doing the rides.
Come to any of the rides and you're guaranteed to see a selection of arabs, thoroughbreds, natives, cobs and crosses.
We're a friendly lot and all horses and riders are welcome!
I have a stallion. Can I still ride with CDR?
Quite probably 'Yes' but we'd like to talk to you first
Are there any age limits?
12 is the youngest you can ride with us, and junior members (aged 12 - under 18) must be accompanied by an adult.
How long has CDR been going?
Since 1996 we've been promoting the fast growing sport of endurance and long distance riding. Based in the Chilterns, taking in Herts, Bucks and Beds, members include international riders and complete beginners
What are we about?
CDR is keen to introduce new riders to this sport. To join in you don't need a special type of horse or equipment, just basic riding skills and a reasonably fit horse.
It's all about having fun and working with your horse to be the best that you can be.
What's our aim?
A primary aim of the group is to support and encourage each other. Training rides and a points system leading to annual awards gives riders of all levels something to aim towards.
So what's it all cost?
Membership of the group restricted to people aged 18 or over and costs just £15 for a year (February to January)
How much does each ride cost?
Our entrance fee per ride is £15 for 2022 - which is quite amazing when you consider all the organization and planning that goes into each one! Where else could you ride over some beautiful and often private land for a fee like that?
Sometimes we have to pay extra subsidies - these will be passed onto entrants - please look at the ride details to double check the entry fee.
Entries must be made on line at least 1 week prior to the ride, rides open for entries 1 month prior to the event - if the ride is not full, and if the Ride Org agrees, we will accept late entries AT AN ADDITIONAL FEE OF £5.00
We do not accept cash or cheques. We have a strict no refund policy.
What insurance do I need?
All members ride at their own risk but one of the advantages of membership is that for CDR rides you are automatically covered for public liability up to £10 million. Please remember that this is not general insurance and only covers you during the time you are riding on a CDR organised ride.
Are the rides fast?
OK...... these are endurance practice rides so there are a few things to remember.
Bearing all these things in mind, the object of the exercise is to cover the distance without putting undue strain on you or your horse.
That said, the aim of the club is to give riders a taste of endurance riding or give members who compete the opportunity to practice over varied distances and terrain. It's not a race and thou there are no hard and fast rules - we encourage you to ride at a target speed of 8 kilometres per hour (5 miles an hour over the ride) - that may not sound fast but does require trotting on at every possible chance. Any rider completing the course at UNDER 6.4kph (4 mph) will not have that ride counted towards their end of season score - it's not supposed to be a hack!
How competitive are the rides?
As competitive as you want to make them! In the end you and your horse are competing with yourselves. It's about setting standards for your own performance, riding sensibly and safely, working as a team with your horse and enjoying the challenge.
Our members are warm, friendly and full of encouragement. They range from real novices to hardened EGB competitors but they all have 2 things in common - their love of horses and the joy of a good days riding!
How safe are the rides?
At the end of the day horses are animals and no-one can predict what might happen during a ride and members ride at their own risk. At CDR we do our best to minimise our risks by our planning and organisation.
All routes are checked in advance (walked and ridden) and marked with tape or painted signs. Every rider is marked out and back by the ride organiser. All appropriate permissions are agreed in advance where the ride crosses private land and all tracks across public land use bridleways and permissive pathways.
Parking is arranged in suitable public car parks or by prior arrangement with a landowner or livery yard along the route.
All rides are circular.
Road work is kept to a minimum and busy road crossings are always manned by marshalls (wonderful people who give their time free of charge!)
All riders are provided with a ride talkthrough (directions and tips on the terrain and the going), a map of the ride and emergency telephone numbers in addition to a mobile number for the ride organiser who is present on the day.
You can choose to ride alone, in pairs or with a number of other people - max group of riders riding together is 4 people / horses (more than that can become unsafe).
Nervous about doing a ride for the first time?
If you've never done a ride before and are nervous about riding alone..... don't worry.
Just email the ride organiser when you have entered and - no guarantees - we'll do our best to pair you up with someone more experienced so that you can get used to how it all works.
Riding with CDR for the 1st time?
So.... if you've decided to join us and you're chaffing at the bit to do your first ride, there's just 1 final condition that applies.
For insurance purposes you need to have become a member 7 days before the ride takes place.
So get your membership application in early - it can take a minimum of 2 weeks for a membership to be processed.
Its a 2 step process -
1. Register on line
2. Pay by Pay Pal
What can I aim for?
Have a look at our Awards page to see the Trophies awarded each season.
So - lots of fun to be had and lots to aim for! Lets get riding......